Javier Julio


Staff Engineer, Founding Team - Jackpocket

Jun 2014 - Present

Contract - WordLab (Jackpocket)

Sept 2014 - Dec 2014

Created an iOS app in Swift for learning words using flash cards in the Leitner system. Created a Ruby script to parse the public domain Webster dictionary to populate the initial Realm database.

Senior Software Developer - 9mmedia

Apr 2010 - May 2014

Developer - Arc90

Sept 2007 - Apr 2010

Developer - AboutWeb

Oct 2005 - Sept 2007

Developer - Katrina Lost

Sept 2005 - Dec 2005

Developed a ColdFusion app (volunteer project) to help Hurricane Katrina victims find missing relatives and available housing. Built over a weekend. 179,000 visitors on launch day. Used 10GB of bandwidth in 10 days.

Webmaster - ESS

Jun 2005 - Oct 2005

Updated ESS and ESS Expo sites using web standards (source ordering, no tables for layout) and new ASP backends for improved SEO and maintenance.

Web Intern - World Resources Institute

Apr 2004 - Apr 2005

Replaced the site tree navigation with a cross browser, drop down menu. Worked on several ColdFusion apps.

Skills and Technologies

Languages: Ruby, JavaScript, Elixir HTML, CSS, Shell, Swift, Objective-C, AS3, MXML, REST, JSON, ColdFusion

Frameworks: Rails, React, Svelte, Ember, Realm, Flex, Swiz, PureMVC

Tools: Git, Postgres, Redis, Docker, Figma, Sketch


Montgomery College
A.A.S., Web Programming Degree - 3.57 GPA (2001-2005)


Downloads are listed for each presentation with descriptions.
